Interactive Investment Toys

During my community service years at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital I had the opportunity to interact with endless amounts of patients who have suffered with Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA’s).

CVA’s cause a lack of oxygen to the brain, which unfortunately leads to a loss of function of that specific part of the brain. As you know, different parts of the brain control different functions.

Brain function rehabilitation in the acute hospital was one of the primary components  of intervention, thus with the lack of time and being usually understaffed with sometimes a very huge patient load. Efficient, easy and effective therapy had to take place.

Image result for color code game

Using the Color Code game as a therapy tool, not only allowed for effective therapy but the concepts were exciting and easily gradable to all ages, including children!

The main board and almost glass looking shape- tiles had a sleek, clean feel and was easy to use. The aim of the game was use both problem solving, visual perception, visual spatial perception skills and frustration tolerance (on master- expert level) to replicate the colour and shape of the challenge cards provided.  

This game will be passed down the family for years to come as I had both adults and children enjoying the competition. Children from age 4 and upwards can develop their problem solving skills as well as colour and shape concepts.

It is a great bonding tool for the family as well as a great interactive game that allows the child to be challenged in a fun interactive way.


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